
Why Are Athletes Susceptible To New Coronaviruses ?

Over the past few days, the new coronary pneumonia epidemic has spread rapidly in professional sports circles in many countries. Many people have such doubts. Professional athletes are very healthy and have good physical fitness. Why are so many people get infected ?

Li Jie Ruo , deputy chief physician of the Sports Medicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, said that the immunity of athletes may be lower than that of ordinary people! In training or competitions, they often push their bodies to the limit. And this is also an act of oppression of the immune system, which leads to hypoactive motor immunity.

It ’s not that the greater the amount of exercise, the better the body ’s resistance.

Li Jie Ruo pointed out that the amount of exercise mentioned here includes the time and intensity of exercise. The amount of exercise of professional athletes is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Nieman and other scholars established a “J” shaped curve model in the 1990s, illustrating the relationship between exercise intensity and time and upper respiratory tract infection, indicating that regular participation in some appropriate physical activities can reduce or reduce the incidence of diseases related to upper respiratory tract infection , To enhance the body’s immunity to the upper respiratory tract; after high-intensity exercise training or a period of acute exercise training, the body is likely to cause or increase the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections.

The decrease in the body’s immune capacity caused by high-intensity exercise is called exercise immunosuppression. It has been scientifically found that there are many factors that cause exercise immunosuppression, including changes in various hormones (catecholamine diminishes, cortisol gradually increases to a peak), and the production of various cytokines (pro-inflammatory factors remain unchanged or increase slightly to prevent inflammation Factors significantly increased), the expression of receptors and adhesion molecules on the surface of immune cell membranes was down-regulated.

Li Jieruo said that from the theory, high-intensity sports for professional athletes does not mean that they have better resistance than ordinary people those who exercise, or even people who do not exercise. Even if they are in the state of immunosuppression, they resist The strength may be lower than the average person.

The above is just some analysis based on previous studies on upper respiratory diseases. So what about the new coronavirus? According to the new coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control plan of the National Health and Health Commission, the population is generally susceptible to coronavirus, which means that the new coronavirus is highly infectious, and there is no difference in its susceptibility to the population. Whether you are a male or female, or whether you are a sports crowd or a non-sports crowd, are generally susceptible.

Doing Exercise in an environment that is not crowded with people

Li jie Ruo introduces, professional team gathers easily in airtight space such as locker room, meeting room, hotel room, a few dozen people eat live are together, once occurrence individual case is infected, appear very easy large-scale infection. He cautioned that special period when motion must pay attention to exercise all the environmental hygiene, sports venues, places after opening, also must be in accordance with the requirements of the concrete into the sports venues, places, especially pay attention to keep the distance between people, because the hands will contact with all kinds of sports facilities, equipment, objects, so you can’t touch eyes, nose and mouth, to wipe the sweat with a special clean towel, sweat towels, avoid directly by hand to wipe. Make sure you have a covered drinking vessel, such as a sports kettle. When opening the kettle with your hands during the exercise, your hands should not touch the mouth of the kettle. After the movement should change clothes in time, avoid getting cold, wash hands and face in time, if you want to eat, it is best to eat again after gargling with clean water.

Additional, the intensity of motion and time also should notice, li jie Ruo recommends 5 times a week, each time lasts 30 minutes medium intensity motion, “do not think athletic intensity is bigger better.”

Generally COVID-19 infection does not leave a sequela

Many people are concerned about whether there will be any sequelae after athletes recover from COVID-19 infection. Can you affect athletic ability?

According to the case of COVID 19, most patients have a good prognosis and a few are in critical condition, li said. The elderly and those with chronic underlying diseases have poor prognosis. On March 18, in Beijing COVID 19 epidemic prevention and control work press conference, Beijing you ‘an hospital director of the center of infectious diseases liang lianchun in response to the question of whether COVID 19 patients will have sequelae after treatment, said after clinical treatment, mild, ordinary patients generally do not have sequelae. According to the previous treatment experience of severe patients with SARS and influenza, some patients with severe covid-19 may have mild pulmonary fibrosis in the short term after treatment, but the lung has a strong repair function. Generally, the pulmonary fibrosis will improve in the short term and there will be no sequels.

As to whether have an effect to athletic ability, li jieruo introduces, athletic ability is concerned with all organization function actually, wait for example heart and lung, liver and kidney and energy supply, transfer and use are concerned directly, the force of muscle flexibility and harmonious sex, the regulation of nerve humoral system, still have psychological factor to wait. The cell surface receptor of novel coronavirus is ACE2 (angiotentin converting enzyme 2), which is the “gateway” for the virus to enter the human body. The large number of this receptor in human tissues and organs may mean that these tissues and organs are vulnerable to invasion and attack by novel coronavirus.

In this new coronary pneumonia, the lung is one of the main targets. However, according to the existing clinical data, although the lungs are attacked, few sequelae remain after being cured, so it generally does not affect exercise ability, and even if it is affected in the short term, it can be recovered by rehabilitation exercise. As for the changes in the function of other organs and tissues in which ACE2 protein exists, as well as the changes in target organs and tissues caused by receptors other than ACE2 protein, further clinical data and basic research are needed to confirm.